Sravan Kumar Ankireddy

PhD student in ECE at UT Austin

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About me

I am a third year Ph.D student in the department of ECE at the University of Texas at Austin, advised by Hyeji Kim . I am broadly interested in Information Theory, Machine Learning, Representation Learning, and Distributed Compression. One line of my work focuses on leveraging recent advances in deep learning to create novel PHY Layer communication algorithms. Concurrently, I have also been working on developing deep learning based compression algorithms inspired by classical results in Information Theory, focusing on learning robust representations for downstream tasks.

My current focus is on extracting robust representations from multi-source datatsets that enable continual learning across models and tasks. I also closely collaborate with Sandeep Chinchali (UT Austin), Pramod Viswanath (Princeton), Krishna Narayanan (TAMU), Sewoong Oh (UW Seattle). My goal is to combine advances from multiple fields to develop low-complex solutions at the intersection of theory and systems.

In the past, I spent two wonderful years a Research Engineer at Qualcomm working in the Physical Layer Modelling team in Bangalore, India. Previously, I graduated with Bachelors and Masters in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras in 2019. I have been extremely fortunate to have worked with Dr. Andrew Thangaraj and Dr. Radha Krishna Ganti for my Master's Thesis on efficient encoding and decoding of Polar Codes.

In my spare time I enjoy reading books, watching documentaries, and hiking.

Publications and Preprints

S. Ankireddy, K. Narayanan, H.Kim, “LightCode: Light Analytical and Neural Codes for Channels with Feedback,” under review, 2024

S. A. Hebbar*, S. Ankireddy*, H. Kim, S. Oh, P. Viswanath, “DeepPolar: Inventing Nonlinear Large-Kernel Polar Codes via Deep Learning,” International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024

A. Saha*, S. Gupta*, S. Ankireddy*, K. Chahine, J. Ghosh, "Exploring Explainability in Video Action Recognition," Explainable AI for Computer Vision (XAI4CV) Workshop (CVPR), 2024 (Spotlight)

S. Ankireddy, S. A. Hebbar, H. Wan, J. Cho, C. Zhang, “Nested Construction of Polar Codes via Transformers,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2024

S. Ankireddy*, P. Li*, R. Zhao, H. Mahjoub, E. Pari, U. Topcu, S Chinchali, H Kim,, “Task-aware Distributed Source Coding under Dynamic Bandwidth,” Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023

S. K. Ankireddy, S. A. Hebbar, Y. Jiang, H. Kim, P. Viswanath, "Compressed Error HARQ: Feedback Communication on Noise-Asymmetric Channels," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2023

S. K. Ankireddy, H. Kim, "Interpreting Neural Min-Sum Decoders," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2023

S. A. Hebbar, R. K. Mishra, S. K. Ankireddy, A. V. Makkuva, H. Kim, P. Viswanath, "TinyTurbo: Efficient Turbo Decoders on Edge," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2022

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